Introduction to the Science of Behavior
(Part 1 and 2) Series
In these group classes, we will use Israel Goldiamond and Donald Thompson's book "The Blue Books: Goldiamond & Thompson's Functional Analysis of Behavior" to guide us through understanding and analyzing the functional relations between behavior and environment. We will be building up to some complex topics during this class, so we encourage you to attend the Open House sessions and feel comfortable asking questions.
**Constructional Approach to Animal Welfare and Training is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. All the profits from the group classes will fund free programs that CAAWT offers for individuals and facilities that oversee the care of animals. For every third registration, CAAWT can provide one free spot for someone in need!
You can access the recordings of Introduction to the Science of Behavior Part 1 and Part 2 by joining the CAAWT Membership.
Introduction to the Science of Behavior (Part 1)
This 4-week group class introduces the basics of the natural science of behavior,
“B=f(x) under c” to understand functional relations between behavior
and its environment. You will learn each variable in B=f(x) under c and
learn to think about various situations through Sean and Maasa’s lens.
■ Learning Objectives
State each variable in B=f(x) under c
In your area of interest, give an example of B=f(x) and specify c
State the distinction between a topographic and functional definition of behavior
Given various scenarios, talk aloud and identify each variable in B=f(x) under c through Sean & Maasa’s lens
Explain the difference between dependency and contingency
Examine specific consequential relations and identify if they are the same or different contingency
■ Main Textbook
Goldiamond, I., & Thompson, D. (2004). The blue books: Goldiamond & Thompson’s the functional analysis of behavior, P. T. Andronis (Ed.). Cambridge, MA: Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies. (Original work published in 1967)
Introduction to the Science of Behavior (Part 2)
Introduction to
the Science
of Behavior
(Part 2)
This 4-week group class introduces the basics of the operant paradigm - Consequential contingency. We will focus on the effects of variables, including consequences and schedules, on behavior and how each variable interacts to change, increase, and attenuate behavior. You will learn each variable in the consequential contingency and how to think about various situations through Sean and Maasa’s lens.
*We recommend taking group class part 1 before part 2, but it is not mandatory.
■ Learning Objectives
Describe what differentiates radical behaviorism from other behaviorisms regarding the treatment of private experiences like thoughts and emotions
Diagram and define, as stated in class, each element of the operant paradigm
State why consequences are considered the central theme of the operant paradigm
Given various scenarios, talk aloud and identify or speculate about each variable in the operant paradigm through Sean & Maasa’s lens
Given various examples, identify the reinforcement schedule or contingency rule and predict behavioral patterns
■ Main Textbook
Goldiamond, I., & Thompson, D. (2004). The blue books: Goldiamond & Thompson’s the functional analysis of behavior, P. T. Andronis (Ed.). Cambridge, MA: Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies. (Original work published in 1967)
Sean Will, M.S.
Maasa Nishimuta, M.S.
■ Acknowledgement
The design of this group class was advised by Dr. T.V. Joe Layng.
We thank Dr. Layng for his wonderful feedback all throughout the design of the class materials.
*Part 1 and Part 2 are prerequisites for Part 3.
■ Contact us
If you have any questions regarding the group classes, please feel free to contact us!